The risk of brood parasitism does not affect levels of extrapair paternity in a cuckoo host
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The risk of brood parasitism may be expected to affect the costs and benefits of extra-pair copulations in host species, and thus levels of extra-pair paternity. Nonetheless, through a mix of filed observations and experimental manipulations in a population of Daurian redstarts, we found no relationship between parasitism risk and levels of extra-pair paternity. This suggests that in this species, the risk of brood parasitism does not impact the occurrence of extra-pair paternity.
(Zhang, Santema, Wang, Lin, Yang, Yan, Li, Deng, and Kempenaers 2024)
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Zhang, J., P. Santema, H. Wang, Z. Lin, L. Yang, D. Yan, J. Li, W. Deng, and B. Kempenaers. 2024. The risk of brood parasitism does not affect levels of extrapair paternity in a cuckoo host. Behavioral Ecology 35.